Tuesday, April 10, 2007

And here we go...

This is a lot of pressure, the whole writing-the-first-post-for-your-blog thing...

Why ice cream vignettes? Well, I love the word vignettes, I just think it's fun. Certain words are just fun, you know? Like bevy. That's another good word. Thicket is fun to say too. I could go on, but I'll spare you. And, I love ice cream. Particularly strawberry (extra points if it's from the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory...not only does it have my favorite ice cream, but it's my favorite spot in New York...the pier, the bridge...LOVE IT!), with lots and lots of whipped cream (not cool whip). And ice cream always seems to accompany my most vivid memories or important decisions...I have ice cream on vacations, I had ice cream to celebrate getting my job in NY, I eat it when I'm trying to clear my mind if I have a tough decision or need to unwind from stress, it's my splurge food (that and raisins, I love raisins, go figure).
I've always wanted to write a book called Ice Cream Vignettes, but this is the closest I may ever come, so there you have it. The address for my blog was either going to be "ice cream vignettes" (in honor my beloved book that will never be published) or "eating my way through life" because I feel like there's always food involved in activities, especially in Manhattan. Manhattan is like one big diner. You go from one eating experience to the next. My morning walks to work are filled with the scent of black coffee from the carts on the corner, french toast, eggs sizzling on the grill...when I leave work the aroma of the Nuts4Nuts (Love them!) flows throught the air, broken up sporadically by the smell of pretzels, hot dogs or the kabobs. But you know, I'm not really a cart-eater. I love the Nuts, but as far as everything else goes - I don't know how clean that stuff is, or how long the meat's been sitting there...no thanks. Then there's the smell of all the restaurants you pass as you walk. You can tell the good ones from the cheap (well, inexpensive, I really dislike the word "cheap", it's on my do-no-like list of words). The nicer ones smell of spices and fresh breads, the inexpensive/blah ones smell like grease.

And...I should finish now...I think you'll come to find that when I write I'm a rambler. My mom accuses me of never stopping to come up for air. Well, now I'm stopping...until next time!

1 comment:

MishMyBelle said...

I am so glad you are blogging now! This is so fun!