First and foremost: Hilton Head.
Kristan picked up on my many hints (consisting of me screaming "I want to come!" and other subtle phrases) of letting me tag along to Hilton Head and I was able to spend several amazing days at the beach with her family. She has already blogged about our three-hour-long "She's The Man" Scene It game so please refer to her blog if you would like details. I still maintain that we should have won. Especially considering that the actual soccer kick was not a bicycle or whatever it was Kelli said it was but was, in fact, a volley...sheesh people, get your soccer moves straight. Major props go out to Caisa though for the AH-mazing job she did at creating the game! She could make her millions marketing that thing.
So, highlights? Here are the Top 10 (in no particular order)
1. The beach (And may I just stop here and mention the fabulous weather we had! I mean, I put in an order for it, but the weather man went above and beyond! It was sunny up until we left)
2. She's The Man Scene It...well, in all actuality, it was the events/trash talking/wrestling leading up to the event that I enjoyed most.
3. Watching the Brooks family interact. Love them all! (and as a 3b. let me just add getting to meet the people I've heard so many stories about)
4. The endless supply of Crystal Light, Oreos and other delicious treats.
5. Watching Kristan in her excitement over Key Lime Pie ice cream and sparklers...
6. Their we all pose for a moment of silence in honor of the wonderfulness that is their home theater?.....
7. Singing to ridiculous songs in the car on the way from Hilton Head to Atlanta
8. The laundry fairy...she got a spot out of my blue polo dress...I sure wish we had one of those in NY!
9. Eating at Moe's...I love that place
10. The knowledge that even though a tie was declared that Kristan and I actually won that She's the Man game. Hehe.
And here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure:
Okay, is not this the smallest mouse you've ever seen? I saw it on the steps outside and couldn't help but take a picture. It's amazing how the simple act of moving a creature such as this from outside into my apartment turns it from tiny and cute to a villain that must be eliminated...
So, one day while waiting for Kristan to escape work, Holly, Cassie and I had a little fun playing in the fountains. Oh! And that reminds me of a great story. So, the three of us are walking toward the river (from Times Square)...thenI hear "Where are you from?" And I turn to look at the guy who has suddenly appeard to my left. "Oh..uh, Ohio" I say.
"Oh, that's too far"
"To far for what?"
"Well, I saw your dress and I think you're beautiful. I was hoping you'd give me your number"
"Oh, yeah, Ohio is too far"
"But, maybe you give me your number anyway?"
"Um, I don't think so, I'm sorry...I don't think it would help"
"Could I have your number anyway? Who knows, maybe one day I'll marry you" (um, yeah right...I'm definitely not giving you my number after that last sentene buddy...)
"I just don't think it's a good idea. But maybe I'll run into you again sometime...have a great day".
Crazy right? I seriously don't know what I do to attract these guys! And then as we're crossing the street a guy leans out of the car and calls out to me "You beautiful Russian girl" I am seriously considering getting "I'm Not Russian" put on my forehead...This seriously happens to me ALL the time. I'm still of the opinion that it's one big prank against me.
Anyway, so the three of us end up dancing around in the are some pictures that I love:
these pics crack me up... too bad your dress wasn't totally white loves!
I wish I could have witnessed She's the Man Scene it. I can only imagine the intensity! Looks like you are having a really fun summer! I am coming in August sometime and can't wait to see everyone!
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